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The Comprehension Connection: Vocabulary and Fluency Dee Rosenberg

  • 11/01/2019
  • 12/31/2030



Dee Rosenberg, Director of Education at the Laurel School, taught elementary and high school special education students for over twenty years before starting Laurel School of Princeton and joining Newgrange in 2001. She is a certified Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant. She is also a Wilson Reading Teacher and Teacher Trainer. She has extensive experience as a practitioner and trainer with Project Read, Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, and Developing Metacognitive Skills. Dee is the past President of the New Jersey Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (2012). Dee speaks nationally and internationally to teachers and parents about strategies to encourage achievement and strengths of dyslexic students.

This presentation focuses on building fluency in struggling readers. The focus is on ways to make connections between fluency and vocabulary in support of supporting reading comprehension.

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